Thursday, September 10, 2009


I started reading a book called Crazy Love by Francis Chan in the middle of August. It was recommended by a friend at church and she graciously let me borrow a copy. It has been an awesome, yet humbling experience. Francis Chan has a unique way of taking you out of your comfort zone without sounding condemning or judgemental. He always approaches it from a, "Hey, I've been there..." aspect, which is a breath of fresh air. The book itself isn't hard to read but it will knock you on your butt! I usually can't read more than one chapter a day just because my brain is trying to wrap around the ideas he talks about. It has shaken up my happy little Christian box and I love it!!

Around the same time I started reading Crazy Love I found out Jessica Turner and Angie Smith were starting a book club. I bet you can't guess what book they picked! YEP!! Crazy Love. I was PUMPED!!

I introduce to you...BLOOM!

And I'm a Bloomer! :)

I highly suggest that you become a Bloomer too! Visit the blog and become a member of the Ning site. There are about 850 women chatting it up about anything and everything. It's like a huge sleepover!!

Books! Friends! Sleepovers! I'm just so giddy... : )