Saturday, August 1, 2009


Today was day one of the 1st Annual Wofford Clean-A-Thon. We (my Husband and I, that is) cleaned, argued, and argued about cleaning. It was a BLAST!

Traditions were never a big thing in my family so I like to try and make every moment as special and as memoriable as possible.

My husband hates cleaning, organizing, or anything of the matter. He also has a very tough time getting rid of things. I, however, suffer from OCD (well not really, but those close to me swear I do) and I thrive off of the afore mentioned activities. It's like a drug for me. It's a sickness. And I love it!

My hubby did come around and let me help him clean out his closet. He now has a sentimentals box for everything he couldn't part with. Today taught us about compromise. We only got to the kitchen and living room (Yes, his closet is in the living room. Weird, I know!) so we will see what tomorrow holds. We only have the bathroom, bedroom, and car to go!

Day two here we come!