Saturday, July 25, 2009


Today has been a looooong day!

We got up early to go to Ryan's memorial. The service was beautiful and a true celebration of his life. I only met Ryan once and I am very honored I got to do so. That kid had a heart of gold. You could see it in the faces of everyone who attended the memorial. Please continue to pray for Kaylla's family. I suspect things will get harder as they return to everyday life and his absence is magnified.

Now, I am watching Bad Boys II with my hubby. He's so cute when he watches movies because he gets really into them. He reminds me of a little kid. : )

Later we're going to hang with Jamey, Brandy, and Nen and eat some PASTA!! I'm also making my Secret Invintion and Justin is really, REALLY excited.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. :)